Peconic Bay Physical Therapy & Chiropractic, a workers’ compensation doctor in Medford, is dedicated to providing the highest-quality care for individuals on their journey of relieving long-term chronic pain from workplace injuries. Through personalized treatments, our experts analyze and address the root cause of the pain to determine what plan is best for you. If you need a treatment plan that will align with your values of improved long-term health, contact us today!

Common Workplace InjuriesWorkers' Compensation Doctor in Medford

While occupation is a priority for most people, it is equally important to dedicate time to one’s health. Adhering to safety precautions at work is crucial as it can lead to severe injuries and long-term pain if not done properly. As we acknowledge the essential care our body undertakes, below are some of the common workplace injuries that occur:

  • Sprains and strains – cause limited mobility and discomfort
  • Fractures: Our workers’ compensation doctor provides comprehensive evaluations in Medford to enable accurate diagnoses and tailored treatment plans.
  • Lacerations and Abrasions
  • Occupational illnesses
  • Musculoskeletal Injuries – caused by repetitive damaging motions at work 

Why Physical Therapy is Necessary 

By choosing our workers’ compensation doctor in Medford, patients will have the opportunity to experience improved strength, flexibility, and function, allowing them to live a comfortable life without pain limits. Our experienced professionals implement advanced techniques to get to the initial causes of discomfort and facilitate a faster and safer recovery. There are several other benefits of physical therapy:

  • Therapeutic exercises such as stretching, electrical stimulation, and massage are some of the physical therapy techniques used to reduce acute and chronic pain.
  • Physical therapy techniques may help support symptoms caused by neurological conditions. 
  • Physical therapy can help improve mobility and restore the use of affected joints caused by a workplace injury.
  • Undergoing physical therapy has been linked to the prevention of future potential injuries. 

Contact Us For A Workers’ Compensation Doctor in Medford

Don’t let an injury hinder you. Start your journey towards a healthier, pain-free future today. Contact Peconic Bay Physical Therapy & Chiropractic to discover the numerous benefits of our proven physical therapy services. Your long-term well-being is worth the investment. Request an appointment!